Biennial Flowers

Biennial plants or flowers take two years to complete their lifecycle. These take two seasons to produce seeds and then die. During the first season, the plant will produce foliage, and in the second season, it will flower and produce seeds.

Some outlive the second season and continue flowering making people confuse them for perennials. However, these don’t live as long as perennials do. Biennials are great as decorative plants and herbs. They will colour your garden for the next two years.

Best Biennial Flowers for Your Garden

Evening Primrose

The evening primrose is a background plant that grows four feet tall. It comes in shades of white, yellow, or lemon flowers that open early evening and close at midday. In addition to their beautiful blooms, the evening primrose plants will add a sweet scent to your garden.


Angelica grows six to eight feet tall and is ideal for use as a background plant for other flowers. The whole plant is edible and has a taste that resembles that of liquorice. The seeds can be used in baking to add some flavour while the leaves can be used in salads. Those are not the only uses of this plant; the roots can be used in soups! The flower umbels produced by this plant make a good arrangement on your dining table or in the garden.

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan is a popular wildflower mostly for its ease of maintenance. These flowers are drought resistant, which means that they can thrive anywhere provided they get enough sunshine and have soil that drains well.


Perhaps the most popular biennial plant for gardens, the pansy has bright, cheerful colours. It grows nine-inches tall and is a common plant in most gardens. It is an excellent choice for borders and walkways. Moreover, this flower is edible and can be used in salads. The flower is slightly mint flavoured and can be frozen in ice cubes to add flavour to your drinks. The plant has many flower colour shades with a dark centre.


Hollyhock grows over six-feet tall and is mostly used to disguise outhouses. The flower is available in numerous colour shades, including pink, yellow, white, and red. With all these colours, you can never go wrong with your landscape. The best way to plant these is in large clusters so that they can support each other.

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